A lecture is a typical conference engagement held by a speaker in the large conference hall. It lasts 30 minutes + 10 minutes Q&A.
A workshop is held by a speaker in the smaller conference hall. It lasts 1 hour. The purpose is showing the exact process used for a specific strategy.
Zagreb SEO Summit is an SEO conference which is the first of its kind in Croatia and, probably, the biggest one in Eastern Europe.
The event was hosted in Zagreb on the 20th and 21st of June, 2024. It was be a premier event, gathering professionals and enthusiasts from across Croatia and beyond. Our speakers held workshops and lectures which provided our visitors with cutting edge strategies and insights vital to navigating the ever-changing landscape of online visibility.
During the day, there were 4 hands-on workshops and 7 lectures which you could attend, as well as accompanying activities if you wished to relax and have some fun. At the end of the day, we had a chance to attend a big party which hosted SEO DJ Lily Ray.
Friday was full of amazing and interesting speakers who guided you through all of the recent Google Core Updates, Reddit cataclysms, the AI-pocalypse and so much more. The second day will also had 4 hands-on workshops and 7 lectures with one amazing addition.
The conference is held at Mozaik Event Centre, Slavonska Avenija 6/2, in Zagreb, Croatia. The main conference hall is left of the main entrance when you go through the lobby. Within the lobby, there will be a chill out space and spaces for sponsors and on the right side is a separate lobby for the workshop room and the exclusive lounge.