Google launched the longest, and one of the most significant updates in its history starting in March 2024. Learn about what Google was hoping to tackle with these updates, what actually happened, who won and lost and how site owners should respond to this brand new SEO landscape.
Lily Ray is the VP of SEO Strategy and Research at Amsive Digital, where she provides strategic leadership for the agency’s SEO client programs.
Born into a family of software engineers, web developers, and technical writers, Lily brings a strong technical background, performance-driven habits, and forward-thinking creativity to all programs she oversees.
Lily began her SEO career in 2010 in a fast-paced start-up environment and moved quickly into the agency world, where she helped grow and establish an award-winning SEO department that delivered high-impact work for a fast-growing list of notable clients, including Fortune 500 companies.
Lily has worked across a variety of verticals with a focus on retail, e-commerce, b2b, and CPG sites. She loves diving into algorithm updates, assessing quality issues, and solving technical SEO mysteries.
Other than that, she was also an author on famous SEO blogs such as SearchEngineLand and SearchEngineJournal.
She was also named the #1 most influential SEO expert in 2022 by USA Today: